Three Skrikandi FEB Unisma Become The Best Graduates of Yudisium 2022

FEB never stops creating the best graduate students with outstanding achievements from the three study programs, Accounting, Management, and Islamic Banking Study. Of several graduates who were called to the stage during the May-June 2022 graduation period, three were familiar with their work at FEB Unisma. Alumni FEB Unisma student from the Accounting study program Nailatul Virohiyyatun Ni'mah, woman born in Tuban, June 5, 1999, with a height of 150cm which is active in the Himaprodi Accounting Organization as the best graduate student of FEB Unisma with a GPA of 3.88, from the Management Study Program Lutfi Amalia Masfiro, a woman with a height of body 162 cm which was born in Malang, August 08, 2000. as the best graduate student of FEB Unisma who has a 4.0 GPA. Then the best student from the Sharia Banking Study Program, Chotimatul Hamidah, a woman born in Batu City on February 01, 1999, was active in the HimaProdi Sharia banking organization with a GPA of 3.82.

I appreciate FEB UNISMA graduates creating the best graduates, giving achievements to FEB, as the dean is very appreciative and proud because graduates are increasing from year to year; FEB UNISMA always supports its students to compete, synergize, and contribute both to the state and religion," said the dean of FEB UNISMA.

In creating competent graduates, FEB Unisma presents many excellent programs; in addition to providing facilities and infrastructure in line with the industrial revolution 4.0, we also offer additional ammunition by partnering with the industrial world," said the Dean of FEB Unisma, Nur Diana SE MSi, when judiciary.

A few tips from this student to be the best are "Always participate in activities that can support both non-academic and academic achievements and also the most important thing is to know what is needed from ourselves and most importantly always to try to be the winner of every challenge."

Behind being the best student always instills the principle that "The point is to be grateful to Allah SWT." Continue to be grateful because the most crucial blessing in life is gratitude," said Nailatul Virhiyyatun Ni'mah, Lutfi Amalia Masfiro, and Chotimatul Hamidah,"

With the support from FEB, students can create achievements with extraordinary GPAs and make the best graduates every year.

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