The Dean of FEB UNISMA Releases 486 Graduates in the Even Semester of the 2021/2022 Academic Year

The Faculty of Economics and Business,  University of  Islam Malang, on Friday, October 28, 2022, held the release of final program students. The event, held at the Gus Dur Hall of the Unisma Postgraduate Building, was attended by 486 graduates who were officially crowned with management, accounting, and Islamic banking degrees. A total of 286 participants were from the management study program, 153 from the accounting study program, and 36 from the Islamic banking program. As the Deputy Dean for Academics and Cooperation conveyed the best graduates with a GPA of 4.00 from the Management Study Program and the Accounting Study Program. Meanwhile, in his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, Nur Diana, S.E. M.Si., congratulated prospective graduates and graduates of FEB Unisma who had gone through various processes that were not easy.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of  Islam Malang, Nur Diana, S.E. M.Si., congratulated prospective graduates and FEB Unisma. They had gone through various processes that took work. "On this happy occasion, allow us to congratulate the prospective graduates of FEB Unisma for the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year who, God willing, will be graduated tomorrow morning by the Chancellor of the  University of  Islam Malang. You have taken and completed education at FEB Unisma; the time is more than seven semesters; some even have eight semesters. You have gone through various processes that are not easy; many dynamics, memories, and lessons can be taken from your journey. Of course, we as humans are forged, honed, not only think critically and systematically, but you must always be wise in understanding and applying your knowledge for the revival of the Indonesian economy amid recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic." In addition, Diana also thanked the guardians of the graduates who had supported the graduates during the learning process and hoped that the graduates could contribute to the community.

"Your graduation is certainly a very proud thing for both your parents and your beloved alma mater, even for the nation and the state; of course, the process of struggle during your studies is proven by writing scientific papers, defending scientific works, for that we express our gratitude and give the highest appreciation to the family for their role." parents of graduates who provide support in the ups and downs so that the graduates can graduate well. With the degrees that you currently hold, which are management degrees, accounting degrees, and economics degrees, you can contribute to developing the economy and the disciplines of economics and business, not only at the national level but also at the international level. Your graduation and contribution to the community according to your respective functions and roles is highly expected because it will encourage the Indonesian people to achieve their goals." Diana also conveyed the breakthroughs made during the pandemic, which aligned with FEB Unisma's vision and mission to make graduates ready to compete.

"In line with the vision and mission of FEB Unisma to become a future-oriented faculty with international competitiveness for the benefit of the ummah by prioritizing morality based on Ahle sunnah wal jamaah, for this reason, FEB Unisma makes its graduates ready to compete, collaborate and make optimal contributions in various sectors. During this pandemic, FEB Unisma has succeeded in developing various innovative programs, including breakthroughs in the academic field, infrastructure improvements to support the learning process, the implementation of 9 independent learning programs such as credit transfers abroad, and various achievements recognized by the academic development industry. Improve the academic quality for students and graduates" At the end of her speech, Diana advised the graduates to maintain the good name of the alma mater and work professionally and with integrity. "Keep the good name of the alma mater, do not forget your professionalism and integrity in your work, and later you as an entrepreneur will determine how you will be successful in society, including supporting the performance of Unisma and FEB Unisma institutions" The Graduation Release event held by FEB UNISMA was also followed by a procession of awarding the best graduates with a GPA of 4.00 (With Praise), namely Lutfi Amalia Masfiro (Management), Elif Luthfiyah Hanum (Accounting) and Farida Diyan Pertiwi from the Islamic Banking study program graduated with a GPA of 3, 97.

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