Friday, September 23, 2022, The Faculty of Economics and Business UNISMA held an Inbound and Outbound Ceremony Program. This event was attended by 102 students both at home and abroad, including YKPN Yogyakarta students, Makassar Muslim Indonesia University students, Medan State University students, State University of Gorontalo, Batam International University, Medan Area University students, Malikussaleh University students, Widya Catholic University students Mandira Kupang, North Sumatra Muhammadiyah University student, Tun Hussein Onn University Malaysia (UTHM) student, Prince of Songkla University, PSU Thailand, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
This activity was held in a hybrid manner, attended by the leadership of YKPN Yogyakarta, Dr. Wisnu Prayoga, MBA as Chair of YKPN Yogyakarta, Dr. Julianto Agung Saputro, M.Sc., Ak., CA as the Deputy Chair for Academic Affairs and Information Systems, Dr. Bambang Suripto, M.Sc., Ak., CA as the Head of the Accounting Study Program, Prof. Nicodemus Hans Setiadi Wijaya, SE, M.Si, Ph.D. as the head of the Management Study Program. Furthermore, the leadership from FEB UMI Makassar, Prof. Dr. Mursalim, ASEAN, CPA as the Dean of FEB UMI, Dr. Jualianti Sidiq Tjan, SE, MSA., Ak (Vice Dean 1), Dr. Muhammad Syafii Basalamah, SE, MM (Vice Dean III), Dr. Andika Pramukti, SE, M.Ak (Head of Accounting Study Program), Dr. Sabri Hasan, SE, MM (Head of Management Study Program), Dr. Muhammad Fadhil Hamzah, S. ST., MM (Sek of Management Study Program). Furthermore, it was attended by all ranks of the Leaders of FEB Unisma, Nur Diana, SE, M.Si (Dean of FEB Unisma), Afifuddin, SE, M.SA, Ak (Vice Dean 1), M. Cholid Mawardi, SE, MM (Vice Dean II). ), Khalikussabir (Vice Dean III), along with the Head of the Study Program and Secretary of Accounting and Management and Sharia Banking.
In the opening, Nur Diana, SE., M.Si, as the Dean of FEB Unisma, expressed high appreciation for the Faculty of Economics and Business Unisma. "FEB Unisma is The Leading Faculty that can bridge the vision and mission of the internationalization of Unisma. We are delighted to welcome you all here. You are all fortunate because you are at the Faculty of Economics and Business, the  University of Islam Malang, a large campus included in the top 50 best universities in Indonesia," he said. In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam  Malang, Nur Diana, S.E., M.Si, expressed his appreciation for welcoming student exchange students domestically and abroad.
Furthermore, the Dean of FEB Unisma said his party was committed to making students' soft skills the main competency mapped into four categories. "Academic knowledge, communication skills, management skills, and skills of thinking. So you will acquire hard and soft skills for future success," he said. "Relationships that have been established both with domestic and foreign university partners, students can enjoy a quality learning environment to see various problems and opportunities, analyze best practices in other cities and countries, and have insights, references, and benchmarks in a comprehensive manner. Globally to maximize the potential of FEB UNISMA in Indonesia," she added. "Congratulations and success inbound and outbound to various universities both domestically and abroad and hopefully can follow and adapt to the new learning environment, students from various countries who take part in the same program and you get global insight related to some of the leading courses offered you choose in the implementation of the Merdeka Learning program," she said

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