This time, the SME NGOBAS PROGRAM, held by the Marketing & Entrepreneurship Studio, Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, raised the theme of Young Achievers! Let us continue the study, "with speakers presented this time, Nur Diana, SE., M.Si as the Dean of FEB Unisma and Agung Minto Wahyu, SM as an alumnus of FEB UNISMA Management Study Program who won the best graduate at the October 2020 graduation and is currently receiving an LPDP scholarship for further study to the University of Indonesia Postgraduate program.

The event, hosted by Hosts Fico Abiyu Taufiq and Denny Chandra Kirana, was very interactive, discussing the various achievements of both students and alumni as a medium for information transfer and motivation and providing added value to users such as students, parents, and alumni.In the Ngobas event, the Dean of FEB UNISMA Nur Diana SE, MSi, was asked by these two Ngobas SME hosts about what tips FEB UNISMA has implemented so that FEB students from the beginning of college to becoming alumni are very proud of their achievements.

“Alhamdulillah, FEB Unisma has provided knowledge, skills, and attitude since they entered the first semester until graduation. Like Agung Minto Wahyu, from the beginning, he had talent in the field of scientific work. From the beginning of entering the first semester, we mapped all the talents possessed by stone students, both academic and non-academic. From this mapping, finally, through coaching in the field of student affairs, we worked out that we provided coaching through various forums in FEB UNISMA. Through the investment gallery, GIESS, Tax Center, and other Scientific Forums with the guidance of lecturers chosen by FEB, they were finally able to take part in various student scientific competitions, both national and international, such as PKM. KBMI, PHP2D, and international student exchange grants, in addition to their presentations at the national and international levels.

Many student talents gave enthusiasm and motivation to all FEB Unisma students, so FEB Unisma gave birth to many outstanding student alumni in various academic and academic fields. We hope we can invite other students to continue to improve their skills and abilities always to be outstanding.

Diana advised all fellow FEB students at the University of Islam Malang that the tips are to be yourself, be sure and believe in what you are targeting, keep trying, ask for blessings, as well as support from parents and friends after trying and praying, the results are handed over to Him. . said the Dean of FEB Unisma sharing information to be an achievement.

During the Ngobas, Minto shared his experiences while at FEB Unisma. When the second semester started, I tried to participate in various activities that matched my passion. At that time, I participated in scientific writing competitions and conferences and wrote scientific articles. Of course, all this cannot be done. I did it without the support of the dean and the lecturers in the FEB Unisma environment. I also met seniors, and very supportive organizations, so that is what I hope until now can continue to be sustainable for FEB Unisma students in the future, said Minto."

The Education Fund Management Institute, commonly abbreviated as LPDP, is no stranger to sound. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia gives scholarships to individuals who want to continue their education at educational institutions located within and outside the country.Agung Minto Wahyu is an alumnus of FEB Unisma who, while studying at FEB Unisma, has recorded 13 achievements during his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, and is currently successfully receiving regular scholarships for Masters of Domestic LPDP in 2022. Agung Minto Wahyu, or those usually called Minto, is an alumnus of FEB Unisma who graduated in 2020 and an awardee for the Domestic LPDP scholarship. He is currently pursuing his master's degree at the University of Indonesia.

At the end of the event, the Dean of FEB Unisma informed the public that at the Faculty of Economics and Business Unisma, both Academic and Non-Academic Talents were managed properly to become superior human resources for Advanced Indonesia. Ngobas closed with the gift of a memento from the Dean of FEB Unisma to alumni of FEB Students, Islamic University of Malang.

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