Presenting Practitioners, FEB UNISMA Holds Trading Class Investment Strategy to Become a Smart Investor

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, brings back practitioners in the Trading Class program held by the IDX FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery. Together with PT. Indo Premier securities. The opening of the trading class with the theme "Start Investing Strategy to Become A Smart Investor" using the Zoom Meeting platform on Thursday, June 7, 2022. This event was attended by Mrs. Nur Diana SE., MSi as Dean of FEB UNISMA, Andrian Alamsyah S. As investment PT. Indo Premier Securities Malang. In his speech, the Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana SE, MSi, said that the Indonesian Capital Market in 2021 had positively contributed to Indonesia's economic growth during the pandemic.

This is manifested by capital market activity throughout 2021 growing positive, as reflected in the performance of the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI), which has reached the level of 6,600.68 on December 29, 2021, an increase of 10.4 percent from the position on December 20, 2021.

"Investors have an important role in the revival of the Indonesian capital market. This is supported by the dominance of millennial investors, who revived the passion for the capital market during the pandemic. We are aware that the openness of transparency in the Indonesian capital market makes it easier for us to invest and play shares in the capital market. In the past, only people who had a lot of money could become investors," said Diana. "With the Yuks Save Shares movement echoed by the Indonesian capital market through the Indonesia Stock Exchange, a minimum of Rp. 100,000  can already invest, "he continued. Diana further emphasized that investing requires knowledge and skills. Millennials shouldn't just invest. For millennials, understanding what a stock is and its ins and outs is necessary. You will not go wrong if you want to invest in the future. You need to know that this type of investment has the potential to provide huge profits for you in the long term. However, this type of investment carries considerable risk. Therefore, you must learn it more deeply through proper education and socialization and from suitable sources.

According to him, FEB UNISMA collaborates with practitioners to teach in the Trading Class to bridge the competency gap of new graduates with the needs of the world of work, encourage collaboration between universities and industry and prepare superior human resources for Indonesia, especially in the investment sector in the capital market. Meanwhile, Andrian Alamsyah S. As Investment Specialist of PT. Indo Premier Sekuritas Malang said that technical analysis is an analytical method that studies the characteristics of historical stock price movements to project future price directions. It aims to identify the current price conditions and launch the future price direction. Three basic technical principles are used as the basis: Market action discounts everything, Prices move in trends, and History repeats itself. The chart provides a visual description of what has happened in the market, and technical use past information, which is used to infer potential price action. In the material, the presenters also clearly practice how the steps in conducting technical analysis are carried out well and clearly so that the participants are very interactive. This activity was followed by a question and answer session by the Participants of the Webinar Series. This activity went smoothly with the end of the question and answer session. Therefore, with this activity, it is hoped that students of the Faculty of Economics and Business can gain value and implement it.

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