Faculty of Economics and Business UNISMA Malang cooperates with alums spread in various international and national companies who are members of the SAMEP program. The event was attended by all ranks of FEB UNISMA  leaders and alumni as mentors in the SAMEP program, including Bambang Irawan, SE, MM, who brought the theme "Career in Banking Era 4.0 and Arif Muhtarom, SE as FEB Unisma Alumni who brought Marketing Strategy in the Digitalization Era. This activity was attended by final semester FEB Unisma students.

Nur Diana, SE., M.Si, Dean of FEB UNISMA, said SAMEP is short for Student Alumni Experience Program, a mentoring program for alums and students designed to connect alum mentors (mentors) with students (mentees). This is currently to support their professional development through guidance and coaching. This program is to improve various innovative programs for prospective graduates in order to increase the competitiveness of graduates on an international scale. The event was attended by all ranks of FEB Unisma leaders and alums as mentors in the SAMEP program.

Diana continued, conveying to SAMEP mentors who incidentally are alumni to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of FEB graduates University of Islam Malang. FEB Unisma has carried out various innovative movement efforts to improve the quality of graduates to support Superior HR in the 4.0 era. We see in the alum's big data related to the level of relevance of graduates showing an increase in the relevance of graduates to the industrial world. However, something else is needed to make FEB Unisma satisfied. We are looking for some limitations in preparing competitive graduates. Hence, we need input and innovative program efforts so that FEB Unisma graduates from time to time show alignment with user expectations, "said Diana.

Bambang Irawan, SE, MM, and Arif Muhtarom, SE, as FEB UNISMA Alumni FEB Unisma alumni, conveyed that students were prepared to face a very different world of work during this pandemic. The two target points that are highlighted are "Job Matching" and "How To Scale Up Career And Reach Top Management on Company," this is many complaints for fresh graduates when they turn out to be wrong in choosing a job and then confused about what to prepare when they are accepted. We provide provisions for our seventh-semester students, so they are ready to become future leaders in Indonesia. One thing to remember for fellow students is to bring out your abilities and never say you cannot.

Furthermore, FEB UNISMA alums conveyed that career preparation is required, such as focusing on something that had to be achieved and taking the current opportunities. For example, in a lecture, the lecturer gives an opportunity that is offered, and even though you do not know it, you should still take it to understand. "Be yourself, do not imitate other people because everyone has their advantages. Then luck means that the person has had the opportunity and is ready for all his work.

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