The Opening of Student Leadership and Management Training of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the University of  Islam Malang, which was organized by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, took place on August 10, 2022, at the Hall K.H Abdurrahman Wahid, Postgraduate Building, 7th Floor. This event was attended directly by the President Director of PT Jasa Tirta 1, Dr. Ir. Raymond Valiant MT, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Nur Diana SE., M.Si and Mr. Muhammad Nuruddin as Experts from the Ministry of Villages, Head of BEM FEB UNISMA Ro'is Madani and 300 students offline and 500 online participants took place very lively and solemnly at the Hall K.H Abdurrahman Wahid Postgraduate Building.The Opening event began with the performance of the Nusantara dance performed by Melati Sekar Langit UKM in collaboration with Sasmita Mardhawa FEB Unisma. Then the speech was delivered by the Chairperson of BEM FEB UNISMA, Ro'is Madani. The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Nur Diana SE., M.Si delivered her opening speech, after which there was a touch screen procession by the Chair of the Bem, Mrs. Dean, and Dr. Ir. Raymond Valiant MT in order to show photos of all extraordinary presenters and figures who will fill in the material during the LKMM FEB UNISMA which lasts for 20 days."In line with the video and mission of FEB UNISMA, one of which is to create graduates who have a leadership spirit and face the challenges of globalization and encourage increased competitiveness of the nation, students are not only equipped with academic abilities. However, it must also be equipped with various student activities to improve soft student skills. One form of student development is providing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in managing student organizations intra and inter-college through LKMM, "said Diana. "Not all humans are born with leadership talents. Therefore, making an effective leader if someone genetically already has leadership talents is nurtured and developed through the opportunity to occupy his leadership position, that is why the LKMM FEB UNISMA is held," said Diana. He was followed by the presentation of LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT SERIES #1 by Dr. Ir. Raymond Valiant MT (President Director of PT. Jasa Tirta 1), Presenting Future Leadership and Global Challenges. "Challenges Future leaders are leaders who are able to face crises and have problem-solving abilities and interpersonal intelligence," explained Raymond. According to him, in the future, there are five competencies that leaders must possess: high ethics and morals, ability to organize themselves, communication skills, efficient learning, nurturing growth, and connection and belonging. Raymon further emphasized that the principle of leadership distinguishes leaders from followers. Leading is showing purpose and moving Together towards a goal. "Four important aspects in future leadership are language mastery, coding, mentorship and coaching, psychology and statistics," he said. The event was continued with a question and answer session and door prizes given directly by Dr. Ir. Raymond Valiant MT for students who actively asked questions in this session.

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