Look for Figure Leader Visionary and Integrity Ormawa FEB UNISMA

December 29, 2022, at the Multimedia Room and Meeting Room of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang, the Student General Election Commission (KPU) of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unisma, Faculty of Economics and Business Unisma Malang 202 3, held a debate on the candidates for Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of the DPM (Representative Council Student) Candidates for Chair and Deputy Chair of BEM (Student Executive Body) and Candidates for Chair and Deputy Chair Himaprodi (Study Program Student Association). The event, which is Suite This General Election for FEB UNISMA Students, takes The theme " Optimizing the Role of Students in Realize Leaders with Integrity" opened by the Dean Faculty Economics and Business University of Islam Malang.

In his remarks, the Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana SE, MSi, stated that the event conveyed the vision and mission of broker leader Organization students are critical as a foundation in leading the organization. Submission of each candidate's vision and mission will align with the vision and mission of FEB UNISMA. According to him, in stages, there are Steps for a student to learn politics and Manifestation  from democracy circles students. "Debate Candidate this important for us could choose candidate capable leadership _ make activity innovative and creative  with hope selected  leader organization this later could improve work programs with utilization budget that has prepared in a manner effective for clear activities, " he said 
Diana also added that with exposure vision, the candidate mission _ expected that voters ( students ) use their heart and conscience in choosing a candidate the best it can be to bring positive energy and change for progress. Faculty Beloved through innovation and creativity in bringing Ormawa the more forward.

Furthermore, Diana advised that students have five roles that must be carried out by FEB UNISMA student leaders "There are five very noble student roles that must be carried out by students who are members of student organizations, including students as Agents of Change who can become locomotives of progress. Both students are guardians of noble values who can uphold good values such as honesty, cooperation, empathy, and justice. Furthermore, students as the Successors of the Nation where future Indonesian students are determined. And students as a moral force and social control, "said Diana

Diana appealed to all FEB UNISMA students to use their conscience in choosing the best candidates who can bring positive energy and change for the progress of the Beloved Faculty through their innovation and creativity in bringing Ormawa forward. The Dean of FEB Unisma also advised that the stages of the student general election be carried out through a simple and fair mechanism to show that the democratization process is carried out proportionally on our beloved campus.

Meanwhile, as the Chairperson of the KPU FEB Unisma 202 3, Dio appreciates the support of FEB UNISMA in the provision of infrastructure, IT, etc., so that this activity can run. He hopes that this activity can be responded to well by students and that the participation of voters will also increase to support the upholding of democracy on his beloved campus. "We hope that the participation of FEB Unisma students will be very high in selecting the Chair of the DPM, BEM, and Himparodi, which will be carried out offline. _ Use the right to vote in full so that Permira can run democratically with high participation," he said.

The event was exciting because many FEB Unisma Malang students actively asked questions critically by discussing everything on campus. The results of this event are hoped that later students, especially FEB, will be able to elect candidates for chairman and vice chairman of DPM, BEM, and Hima study programs appropriately. The elected Chair and Deputy Chairmen can make FEB UNISMA better through the vision and mission that has been conveyed.

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