After the opening activities and followed by flashmob activities held in the circular building, today, the Executive Board of students from the economics and business faculty resumed a series of series three and four material events, which were carried out in a hybrid manner in the building room (E) of the economics and business faculty. It was attended offline by around 20 students and attended by around 600 students online. This event was also attended by the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Malang, Prof. Dr. H Masykuri M.Si as the third speaker, and Mrs. Dra Safira Machrusah as the fourth speaker.

The master of ceremonies opened the event at around 08.00. The opening event was attended directly by the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Malang, Prof. Dr. H. Masykuri M.Si, offline as a speaker. Then a speech was delivered by the Deputy Chairperson of BEM FEB UNISMA, Mia Novitasari, who said "that to become a strong leader, they are calm, innovative, patient, resourceful and must have all the good qualities needed to run the operations of a company. Some people have a natural leadership spirit, while others have to work hard enough to achieve it," then continued with the delivery of the Opening Speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mrs. Nur Diana SE., M.Sc.

 "The LKMM FEB UNISMA, which lasts for 20 days, will discuss a lot of leadership and management material for FEB UNISMA students with 12 speakers, this time we present the number one person on the UNISMA campus to provide material on how to be a leader with integrity, who has a transformational spirit towards what he does. Be the goal of the organization. Of course, we will see what competencies are needed to be a leader in this era of globalization. The survey results from several credible institutions show that ethical and moral issues are the main competencies a leader must have. On the one hand, where leadership is produced, reviewing various leadership theories shows that leaders can originate from genetic factors, education, and training factors to become a leader and genetic factors, which are then forged through education and training to become a leader. Diana said

Diana further explained that being a formidable leader, apart from heredity, one factor is considered to be the main factor in the change process. These namely environmental factors support therefore this is where we will listen to the maximum exposure that we will hear directly from Rector, "said Mrs. Dean of FEB Mrs. Nur Diana SE., M.Si conveyed through her speech.
In the Leadership & Management Series #3 material, he explained the material "Leadership and management in the perspective of the Unisma" the Rector said that "a person who is able and can change perspectives and change views or even influence the surrounding environment for the better, he should be considered as one of the characteristics of a leader. However, to achieve this hope, we need to prepare the provisions and abilities that support it and continue to learn about all the things that support these expectations. Therefore, if it continues to be nurtured and occupied, the ideals and hopes will be born from what we wanted so far."
While waiting for the next speaker to enter the zoom room, there was a video showing dance collaborations from UNISMA UKM and UNISMA alums and a 2019 LKMM video showing which was the last LKMM that was carried out offline at Dodikjur Rindam V Brawijaya before the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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