Judicial Graduates FEB Unisma Period of May-June 2022: Become Drivers of Community Dynamics

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang, on Tuesday, July 13, 2022, held a graduation program for final students. The event held offline and online was attended by 94 final program students who have been officially declared graduates of Management, Accounting, and Economics degrees through the Decree of the Chancellor of the University of Islam Malang from May 2022 to June 2022. The number of graduates with honors as many as 71 good students from the Management Study Program, Accounting Study Program, and Islamic Banking Study Program, and there were the best students with a GPA of 4.00, according to information conveyed by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Cooperation Afifudin, S.E., M.SA., Akt. in the reading of the SK Judicium Graduation.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang, Nur Diana, S.E. M.Si., in his speech, congratulated the achievements made by all graduation participants who attended offline and online. Diana said graduation was an announcement of students' final grades and graduation from the entire series of academic processes followed while at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang.

"On behalf of the Leaders of FEB UNISMA, we congratulate you on this achievement with your new title. Congratulations on working in any position and becoming a complete scholar of a religious character, intellectual side, virtuous, good-hearted, and willing to sacrifice for the nation, state and religion. Keep your beloved alma mater's integrity and good name when you are involved in the community.

We are ready to release you into real life with different challenges. You must equip yourself with the ability in the technology field, build networking, and effective communication, have a leadership spirit and uphold morality as a scholar who has good morals based on ahlussunnah waljamaah. Use the knowledge and skills obtained from FEB UNISMA to achieve your goals. Keep learning because the essence of life is learning, learning, and learning."

Furthermore, Nur Diana, SE., M.Si., the Dean of FEB Unisma, advised, "With this, you don't stop here. Continue your dreams and aspirations as high as the sky. As a scholar, you will be involved in real society, where you will be required to be the driving force for the dynamics of society," he added.

Finally, Diana said that FEB Unisma had provided three competencies to become competitive graduates, namely knowledge, skills (hard skills and soft skills), and attitude. For this reason, he hopes that graduates will use these provisions as capital to achieve independence in finding work but also must be able to create jobs.

The event continued with awarding the best graduates from three study programs conducted online and offline by the Dean of FEB Unisma and followed by the issuance of graduation certificates and transcripts of graduation scores by the head of each study program.

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