Improving the Economy of the Kedungkandang Community of Malang City, FEB UNISMA Provides Assistance

The problem faced by the UMKM group in Kedungkandang Village in managing their business is still relatively simple, namely relying on their capital so that they experience limited capital. The existence of fixed capital and the lack of information about financing with sharia concepts later became a problem for MSMEs in Kedungkandang Village to increase their turnover. This is what moves FEB UNISMA to carry out the Tri Dharma College activities in the field of community service through the FEB UNISMA community service team chaired by Abdullah Syakur Novianto, SE., MM. (lecturer), as well as members consisting of Nanik Wahyuningtiyas (lecturer), Tanzil Ilham (student) and Ike Nurmaya Devina (student) carried out community service activities to assist MSMEs in Kedungkandang Village to apply for sharia KUR financing.

The activity, which was held on 11 and 18 February 2022, took place at the house of Mrs. Dyan Ernawati (chair of the Kedungkandang MSME working group) and was attended by 12 MSME actors in the Kedungkandang Village. Participants were very enthusiastic about the activities that were packaged in the form of counseling and training related to applying for this sharia KUR financing. In addition to providing training and counseling, the community service team assists MSMEs in applying for funding and completing the required documents for sharia KUR. At the end of the meeting, the service team presented PT Bank Syariah Indonesia's marketing staff to provide suggestions and input on the documents completed by the Kedungkandang MSME actors.

"With this community service activity, we hope that UMKM in Kedungkandang Village understand the concept of sharia finance and can understand and apply for sharia KUR financing so that UMKM in Kedungkandang Village can make sharia KUR as an alternative funding to increase their turnover," said Syakur during his presentation of the material.

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