Improving The Quality of Student Outcomes, FEB Unisma Has A Research Methodology Workshop to Achieve National and International Competitiveness

To increase the competitiveness of graduates at both national and international levels, the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Islamic University of Malang organized a Research Methodology Workshop with the theme "Improving Metpen to Achieve Competitive Graduates" for Class 2019 students who are currently submitting thesis research topics to improve quality. The event was held on July 5, 2022, at 09.00 WIB, inviting resource person Dr. M. Fachruddin Arrozi. SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA as National Research Reviewer and Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Research at Esa Unggul University Jakarta. The event was attended offline by 700 6th-semester students at the Abdurahman Wahid Hall, Lt. 7, with the enthusiasm of students currently planning to submit a thesis topic.

Nur Diana, SE., M.Si as the Dean of FEB Unisma, at the same time opened the activity of delivering the research methodology workshop and thesis socialization activities as one of the strategic efforts in boosting the quality of student thesis preparation. Not only reinforcing the preparation of the thesis but also, at the same time, opening up insight into the use of new methods in thesis writing.

Furthermore, in his speech, the Dean of FEB Unisma, Nur Diana, S.E., M.Sc., explained that this activity was a form of concern for improving the quality of student outcomes. Diana hopes this activity can produce innovative research and increase the number of graduates on time. In addition, this workshop intends to provide solutions to problems that final students often experience during thesis preparation.

"That's why we agree that currently, the study programs at FEB UNISMA make anticipatory steps by holding workshops and socialization from an early age, so prospective graduates prepare well and maintain their quality," said Nur Diana.

"Scientific works must be published either in journals or presented orally nationally and internationally, and one of them must make the output of innovative works inscribed with intellectual property rights," said Diana.

In his presentation, Dr. Arrozi as the resource person, explained that before writing a study, every researcher must be able to understand what problems they want to study. The source of this problem can be obtained from journals, newspapers or sourced directly from the location where the problem arises.

He added that the current issues that are the focus of research must be related to the point of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the impact of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Technological developments and the existence of a pandemic over the last two years have disrupted all sectors of life, including in the economic field. Disruption due to technology and the pandemic has triggered new problems that can become fundamental themes in management, accounting, and Islamic banking. This is a challenge for businesses and universities to collaborate to produce actual and innovative research.

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