Guest Lecture Corporate Communication Presents Rozmiza H. Bidin Ph.D. (Malayasia)

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, on Thursday, March 10, held a Hybrid International Guest Lecture with Rosmiza H. Bidin Ph.D. as resource person (Universiti Putra Malaysia). The activity, held at the Multimedia Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business Building, Islamic University of Malang, 3rd floor, took the theme Millennial Corporate Communication in Disruption Era. The Dean of FEB UNISMA Nur Diana SE, MSi, was asked to give an opening speech stating that the era of disruption is digitalization in various aspects of life. Many businesses have sprung up with technological developments influenced by the industrial revolution 4.0. The progress of a business depends on the ability of someone innovative and creative in communicating.
"Many businesses fail because companies don't pay attention to good communication strategies. Because basically communication is the main thing so that collaboration can be maintained with each other which can lead to a discussion, planning, decision making "said Diana Diana further noted that in a company, communication is one of the spearheads in maintaining the company's image in the eyes of its stakeholders. Developing a strategy or a good communication system can build a positive image of the company and build public trust, and have a positive effect on the continuation of a company's business. Meanwhile, Rozmiza H. Bidin, Ph.D. as the resource person, said that it is very relevant in the field of communication business. This is concerned with corporate organizations that have different stakeholders with various interests. For this reason, it is necessary to build corporate communication with careful planning to support the company in generating profits for the organization.
"Currently the development of technology has advanced, many facilities are used to carry out corporate communication, including through the internet, social media. As millennials, we must understand social media communication, propaganda, and how the world changes that are affected by activities on social media. Communication is also a means of developing a business operational orientation that can become propaganda in the era of world technological change," explained Rozmiza The event took place very dynamically and smoothly were 400 participants who attended offline and online from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Timor  Leste, Thailand, Libya were very enthusiastic about the latest materials and issues that were very relevant so that they were expected to open the eyes of students in developing their self-image so that they can compete in the international business world.

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