Good Practiced MBKM, Feb Unisma Improve Collaboration with FEBI UIN Mataram

Implementing the Merdeka Learning program: Merdeka Campus requires Faculties and Study Programs to collaborate with various partners in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education. On this basis, the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Islam Malang (FEB Unisma) collaborated with the Faculty of Economics and Business, the State Islamic University of Mataram, which was realized through the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between study programs within the scope of FEB.

The procession was signed by the Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana SE, M.Si and the Dean of FEBI UIN Mataram (Dr. Riduan Mas'ud, M.Ag) and witnessed by Dr. Khairul Hamim, MA (Vice Dean II FEBI UIN Mataram), Dr. Muhamad Yusup, M.Si (Vice Dean III FEBI UIN Mataram), H. Sanusi, MM (Head of TU FEBI UIN Mataram), Yasni, S.Sos (Archivist FEBI UIN Mataram), Sieni Saidan, S.Ag (Section Staff General FEBI UIN Mataram), Sasha Ambarpati, ME (General Section Staff FEBI UIN Mataram) and H. Muhasibin, SE (Treasurer FEBI UIN Mataram) and also attended by all ranks of FEB Unisma leadership and MBKM Team Lecturers.

The Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana SE, M.Si., said in his speech that the signing was a milestone for strengthening and expanding cooperation. Especially related to the implementation of the Merdeka Campus: Merdeka Learning curriculum as well as between campuses in carrying out the tri dharma of higher education. The existence of this collaboration opens opportunities and opportunities for students to be able to feel the atmosphere of studying at other universities both at home and abroad in order to add insight and experience and strengthen the fabric of Diversity. In the end, it will increase students' interest in learning and motivation to continue to be creative, innovate and excel.

Diana also said that so far, FEB Unisma has collaborated with many domestic and foreign universities in conducting student exchanges as a form of MBKM implementation. Diana further explained that the implementation of student exchange in several countries such as Thailand, Russia, the Philippines, Uzbekistan, and Taiwan, where students often take Unique courses that are current issues in line with the needs of the Industrial Revolution, such as Big Data courses, Analytical data, Digital Business, etc.

With the MoU with FEBI UIN Mataram, Diana hopes that her students can also do student exchange by taking special courses that are the advantages of FEBI UIN Mataram, both offline and online. She explained that in Malaysia, most of them take some unique courses that are really needed, for example, new courses according to the needs of the 4.0 revolution. "This is usually what we do internally first, and then there they have also carried out maybe another test from how many were sent, how many passed, that's what we did and quite a lot there are more than 200 who have participated abroad and have been running for two years," said Diana.

Meanwhile, Dr. Riduan Mas'ud, Dean of FEBI UIN Mataram, expressed his joy to be working with FEB Unisma. This is driven by the lack of cooperation between FEBI UIN Mataram and several universities in East Java, especially in Malang.

With this collaboration, Riduan wants collaboration in all fields, especially in the Tridharma of Higher Education. "Whatever the collaboration, we are ready to join research, join publications, FEB Unisma friends please if you want the students to join us to study at FEBI UIN Mataram, and also later UIN Mataram friends, please be allowed if they have to study at Unisma," he said.

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