FEB Unisma Shares Entrepreneur Success Stories with Foreign Students

With the theme "Transforming Dreams into Reality" the Entrepreneur Talk event was held by FEB Unisma with Inbound Mobility student participants from the Faculty of Science, Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines (Friday, 08-04-2022). This event was filled by resource persons Prof. Dr. Nurhayati., S.E., M.S as the actor, entrepreneurship mentor, and lecturer at FEB Unisma.

In her speech, Nur Diana, S.E., M.Sc., the dean of FEB Unisma, expressed her gratitude. It was an honor for FEB Unisma to partner with the Faculty of Science at Tarlac Agricultural University in this internship program.

"Collaboration with people in the business world is a demand in the current era of internationalization," said Nur.

The ongoing internship program between FEB Unisma and Tarlac Agricultural University is a means to see the growth of young entrepreneurs who can create innovative works to improve the country's economy.

"The more entrepreneurs a country has, the higher the country's economic growth," added Nur.

On the same occasion, Nur also introduced Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, S.E., M.S as a speaker and entrepreneurship mentor, already rich in experience as a typical Malang batik entrepreneur known in foreign countries. This event is expected to increase insight, skills, and expertise for inbound mobility students.

Not to forget, Nur conveyed that she was looking forward to the offline visit of the Tarlac Agricultural University students.

Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, in her presentation, said that Indonesia still has enormous entrepreneurial opportunities to be developed. It takes seriousness involving stakeholders to increase entrepreneurship in Indonesia among millennial youth, both from the government, SOEs, MSME actors, and universities through the MBKM program and running the tri dharma of higher education.

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