FEB Unisma Holds Webinar “The Way To Get Connections In Era 5.0”

The Student Association of Management Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Islam Malang held a Talkshow event. This time the theme is about tips and tricks to get sponsorship. The music is “The Way To Get Connections In Era 5.0”. The Dean of FEB Unisma, Nur Diana, S.E., M.Si., explained, considering the number of programs but with limited sources of budget funds. Students need additional funds from outside parties, especially partners in cooperation with other companies or institutions. So, it must be brewing and fostering a sense of empathy for students, especially introducing themselves by building persuasive communication.

"Currently, the marketing function in the 4.0 revolution era is endless. Even though there is Digital Marketing, one day we have to meet to make sure," said Diana. Followed by the Dean, known for being innovative, in a situation like the one above, various languages must be poured. Either through the language of pictures or a series of words. "Perhaps you will appear to the public to submit a proposal of interest to the party providing the sponsor. It's not easy; it takes training," he said.

 Diana believes that not all students have talent. Even though they have talent, they need to be balanced with qualified knowledge that doesn't just suddenly have to negotiate. Performing persuasive communication is very important because often, good proposals are rejected because they cannot intervene. Even though you have made accurate supporting data

"It's a good sentence, but it doesn't mean anything if you can't negotiate. Negotiations can arise because of the agreement of two parties, "said Diana. The speaker in this talkshow is Iqbal Ramadhan SM, General Manager of Juragan Tas "JT," who conveys general and global sponsorship. The material includes the relationship between the contents of the sponsorship proposal and whether or not the sponsorship application is accepted. In addition, regarding the procedure or flow for submitting a sponsorship proposal to the company and the correct way to submit it to the company so that the company believes and trusts HimaProdi Management. Chairman of HimaProdi Management, Mohamad Miftachul Kamal, said this sponsorship event is a series of one-period agendas. This is to support the continuity of activities in the work program at this Association with the aim that students can know the procedures for making sponsorship proposals as well as Public Speaking and the flow of facing a company that also accepts sponsorship procedures or tricks. The Opening Talkshow Tips and Trick for Sponsorship Event with the theme "The Way to Get Connections in Era 5.0" were led by MC Lenny Maryani and moderated by Khoirun Nisa'.

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