FEB Unisma Goes to Village: Utilization of Village Potential to Support Sustainable Village

Monday, July 11, 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the  University of Islam Malang in equipping Candidate Undergraduate Students to serve, held FEB Unisma Goes to Village with the theme "Utilization of village potential in supporting Sustainable Villages" by presenting Nur Diana, SE., M.Si as the Dean of FEB Unisma, Esti Pratiwi, SE as Village Activist/ Expert Staff of Malang Regency and Winartono, M.IKom as Coordinator of TPP P3MD Malang Regency. This event was attended offline by 500 students, held at Abdurahman Wahid Hall, Lt. 7, and 400 Students online.

Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana, S.E., M.Sc., in the preamble, said that Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages places the village as the subject of development as a party that facilitates the growth and development of village independence and welfare through efforts to develop the empowerment and development of rural communities in the economic, social and cultural fields. This aligns with the Merdeka Learn to Build Villages program/ thematic Bachelor Candidates in Serving. For this reason, it is necessary to harmonize the efforts of the independent learning program to build villages in support of village potential. Meanwhile, the FEB UNISMA Goes to Village Program presented Nur Diana SE, MSI as a resource person discussing the Direction of the Independent Learning Policy for the Independent Campus in Supporting the Achievement of Sustainable Villages.

In her presentation, Diana emphasized that in MBKM, students are given the right to study for three semesters to freely choose several programs from 8 independent learning programs, one of which is the Village Development Program / Serving undergraduate candidate, which can be followed in 1-2 semesters so that it can be converted into 20 to 40 credits. And there is also a thematic KSM model, which is followed for 40 until it is converted into three credits. Diana further explained how the Student Village Building program is in line with the achievement of the Village Sustainability Goals, in which there are 18 goals covered in four pillars showing the existence and importance of balance between the social pillars/dimensions, the economic and environmental dimensions, and the governance pillars. "To run the program, students can develop soft and hard skills and generate, grow, and develop various dimensions of intelligence." Diana said This is in line with the university's mission as one of the village stakeholders who has a role in realizing village development," Diana explained.

In her presentation, Diana emphasized that in MBKM, students are given the right to study for three semesters to freely choose several programs from 8 independent learning programs, one of which is the Village Development Program / Serving undergraduate candidate, which can be followed in 1-2 semesters so that it can be converted into 20 to 40 credits. And there is also a thematic KSM model, which is followed for 40 until it is converted into three credits. Diana further explained how the Student Village Building program is in line with the achievement of the Village Sustainability Goals, in which there are 18 goals covered in four pillars showing the existence and importance of balance between the social pillars/dimensions, the economic and environmental dimensions, and the governance pillars. "To run the program, students can develop soft and hard skills and generate, grow, and develop various dimensions of intelligence." Diana said This is in line with the university's mission as one of the village stakeholders who has a role in realizing village development," Diana explained.

Furthermore, Esti Pratiwi, SE, a village activist/expert of Malang Regency, said that the village is not only talking about the budget, village funds, and money but how civilization in this village happens well through good management as well. For this reason, at the implementation level of the Village Law, there is a Presidential Decree 12/2015 and Permendesa No. 3/2015 concerning village assistance, one of which can be carried out by a third party involving universities. "This is where it seems that the role of the independent learning program can be included in village empowerment," Esti said that the village community is the main factor in village independence. The village is a legal entity that has certain territorial boundaries based on village initiatives and community leaders where in the field, there are many challenges. Esti added that the highest ideal of the Village Law is economic, social, cultural, and political welfare. This is the highest goal which takes a very long time. This is not interpreted as only the achievement of the Village Development Index but is a situation of empowerment in the village community or village empowerment.

Winartono, an M.IKom Coordinator of TPP P3MD Malang Regency, continued that Villages need students to make changes. This is as mandated by the law that the village is a subject. The village community must be treated as a legal and social subject in development. For this reason, related to the role of universities in building villages or village innovation programs that involve students and lecturers, they must make participatory mapping which brings our mindset or our way to know the town well. "The program design that students must make is expected to have program outputs that must be followed or not where the village already has accepted containers such as BUMDES, Cooperatives. Design work programs upstream to downstream that are interrelated so that this will make it easier to encourage the progress of the village economy based on the potential of the village," he explained.

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