FEB UNISMA Working Visit to Yogyakarta: Realizing the MBKM Implementation Partnership

As one of the private higher education institutions under the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama higher education institution, the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Islamic University of Malang is proactive in collaborating with various universities and institutions. To realize the goal of implementing the Merdeka Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program, from May 31, 2022, to June 2, 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, made a working visit to STIE YKPN, located in Yogyakarta. The group that participated in the working visit to Yogyakarta consisted of the Dean of FEB and his staff, the person in charge of the MBKM Program for Management, Accounting, and Sharia Banking FEB UNISMA


The working visit to Yogyakarta began with a visit to the STIE YKPN campus. The FEB UNISMA meeting with STIE YKPN followed up on a cooperation plan related to the student & lecturer Exchange field, running for one semester in the 2021 academic year. During the visit, evaluation and monitoring of MBKM implementation were also discussed.

The delegates from FEB UNISMA led by the Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana, explained that the visit to the STIE YKPN campus was to visit FEB UNISMA students and lecturers who are currently running a student & lecturer exchange program with the STIE YKPN campus where as many as 5 FEB students and lecturers UNISMA teaches at the STIE YKPN Campus. The delegates also expressed their gratitude to the STIE YKPN staff for facilitating and providing comfort to students so that students did not experience difficulties in adapting.

"Hopefully, this program can be carried out well by our five students and lecturers. We can absorb a lot of knowledge and experience from friends from other universities, both in the academic atmosphere, culture, and customs in Yogyakarta. So that when we return, we can implement the knowledge and experience gained when participating in this program," explained Diana

The Student and Lecturer Exchange Program in MBKM will be implemented until July 2022. Merdeka Campus, the program "right to learn three semesters outside the study program" is to improve the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and relevant to the needs of the times, prepare graduates as future leaders of the nation with superior and personality.

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