FEB UNISMA Receives a Visit from MA Al Khoiriyah Gresik

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang received a visit from students from MA Al Khoiriyah Gresik, East Java. It took place at the UNISMA FEB Building Wednesday (12/14/2022). This student visit is the sixth time that will be held in 2022. The visit was received by the Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana SE, MSi along with the leadership and student management of the Laboratory at FEB UNISMA.

M. Fawzi, M.Pd. as the Principal of Madrasah Aliyah Al Khoiriyah Gresik on this occasion conveyed that the purpose of this visit was to broaden horizons and motivate students to be able to continue their education at the University and obtain information about the flagship programs of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang. This visit was attended by The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Islamic University of Malang, Nur Diana SE, MSi said that it was an honor for UNISMA to have a visit from MA Al Khoiriyah Gresik where this was the third visit to the Islamic University of Malang. Of course, through this visit, it is hoped that MA Al Khoiriyah students can choose FEB Malang Islamic University as an option to continue their education to higher education. Before choosing it, of course, students must know more about FEB UNISMA and all the excellent programs and learning support facilities available at FEB UNISMA.

During this visit, the contents of a brief presentation about FEB UNISMA and Motivation to Study in Higher Education by the Dean of FEB UNISMA as well as a question and answer session with students. At the end of the event, there was an exchange of souvenirs and photos together.

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