FEB UNISMA received a visit from the ideal class of SMA An-Nur 2 Malang. The visit of the annur high school ideal class to the Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange FEB UNISMA was held offline on Wednesday, November 28, 2022. Ms. Nur Diana SE., MSI, as the Dean of FEB UNISMA, attended this event. The Visit of the Ideal Class of SMA An-Nur, Malang to GI BEI FEB UNISMA led by MC M. Tegar Maulana Anhar, received remarks from Ms. Nur Diana SE., MSI, as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business he said, "Thank God we can meet again after 2, After five years of experiencing a pandemic, thank God, this is a routine activity held for the ideal class of ANNUR Bululawang High School." Not only that, but he also said that currently, the millennial generation must be driven by their entrepreneurial spirit through financial literacy and inclusion movements, learning investment must at least have a level of financial literacy in the capital market where the knowledge is obtained, the skill can also be by setting aside pocket money within a month to reduce pocket money. Right now, it is good; technology iteration and infrastructure facilities have been fully supported by the presence of the Education Investment Gallery at ANNUR Bululawang High School, where education has been carried out on how to invest so you do not get entangled in fraudulent investments. During the pandemic, the opening of SID was filled with millennials. For this reason, we hope that this collaboration will continue to go well; friends from the Investment Gallery, who will always establish this collaboration, so you do not forget it because the BEI FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery is fostering An-Nur High School, so you must always be guided in mentoring so that everyone gets and improves literacy and financial inclusion.
This shows that we must learn about investment early, considering the progress of this era that we can already feel. With this technological advancement, we are required to adapt more quickly, and it is easier to get investment information and know investments from an early age. Of course, investing is done after a bit. Several processes must be understood first. Investments are often used by some individuals to be used as fraudulent investments. Of course, there is a need for proper socialization and education, especially for millennial investors. Refrain from getting biased information or information that is not true in the end. In this activity, several things were discussed. First, the general chairman of the BEI FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery explained to the An-Nur 2 Malang High School students the details of the BEI FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery, from management members, work programs of each division, to the achievements made ever won by the BEI FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery team. After explaining the details of the BEI FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery, the General Chairperson of the Investment Gallery was assisted by Fatih Sahirul Muttaqin in practicing good and correct methods of analysis and transactions. This activity was followed by a question and answer session by participants, followed by a quiz with interesting merchandise prizes from GI BEI FEB UNISMA so that the participants were more enthusiastic about the quiz. The activity continued with the visit of ideal class friends to the GI BEI FEB UNISMA room to visit and see how the room from GI BEI FEB UNISMA was. With the visit of these students closed the activity this time. Therefore, the ideal SMA An-Nur 2 Malang class can gain value and implement it with this activity.

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