FEB UNISMA Again Holds Batch XIII Basic Capital Market School and Advance Batch XIII "Investment Literate Millennial Generation – Explore Your Skills To Become a Great Investor"

The IDX FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery held a webinar in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and PT. Indopremier Sekuritas with the theme "Investment Literacy Millennial Generation - Explore Your Skills To Become a Great Investor." Source, Mr. Ashikin Ashar as Trainer of the East Java Indonesia Stock Exchange and Mr. Zanuar Priyatno as IPOT Malang Senior Representative. This activity was held in a hybrid manner, attended by 20 students offline and 200 online. The hope is that this webinar will contribute to supporting government work programs to increase financial literacy and financial inclusion.

This event was opened by the dean of the faculty of economics and business, Mrs. Nur Diana, SE., MSI. Mrs. Nur Diana said that this capital market school activity is a flagship program owned by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Malang, with evidence that it has established cooperation with capital market players as business partners, namely with PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange, PT. Indopremier Sekuritas, and the Financial Services Authority, have even recently collaborated with Propami to prepare certifications to test skills, so they are worthy of becoming professionals in the capital market. As has been carried out in this flagship program, it is not just socialization and education. However, the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Malang Islamic University prepares human resources with the passion and talent to work in the capital market sector. In the era of revolution 4.0, it requires us to become graduates who have competencies that are by the study program but must also be balanced with the character of 4.0 so that there is no substantial gap between the needs of the world of work and the readiness of human resources. Suppose you are in a primary capital market school and have skills. In that case, you will level up at an advanced level which will later be directed to choosing and analyzing products in the capital market because investing is not a place to join. Therefore, as a millennial, you have to be smart in investing, specially when This investment can be made from 100 thousand. With the bismillahirrahmanirrahim greeting, we declare the Basic and Advance Level Batch XIII Capital Market School organized by the BEI FEB UNISMA Investment Gallery open.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ashikin Ashar, a Trainer for the East Java Indonesia Stock Exchange, said that current market conditions are a form of fairness even if they go up or down. The important thing is that we, as investors have a strategy to overcome this. Without being asked by others, we must know that investment is essential. In the past, investment was an option, but now, investment has become necessary. When the pandemic started in 2020, the number of investors in Indonesia increased by 90%. Students feel it is essential to start investing because the knowledge gained is still fresh, and the desire to try is still high. In Islam, it has been reminded in Surah Yusuf verses 47-48. Regulation of the Indonesian Islamic capital market is through the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN MUI) and POJK related to the Islamic Capital Market. A capital market is a meeting place for those who need funds (companies) with those who need investment facilities (investors). The financial instruments are stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. Shares are proof of ownership of a company which is a claim on the income and wealth of the company. The minimum purchase of shares is one lot (100 shares) if the transaction can already use online trading by shariah which is usually called SOTS (Syariah Online Trading System).

The following presentation was delivered by the second speaker, Mr. Zanuar Priyatno, the Senior Representative of IPOT Malang, and he introduced what IPOT is because most people are still wrong in pronouncing it. IPOT has several products, including ipotstock, ipotfund, ipotpay, and ipotnews. As it is known that investment must know, one of the knowledge is that we as investors must know the news that is happening (hot news). The transaction method can be accessed online and done wherever and whenever there is an internet network. The share transaction mechanism must go through an intermediary called a security which later the securities will pass on to the Indonesian stock exchange, where there is no price difference between securities and the Indonesian stock exchange. The application will have a name called bid (buyer) and offer (seller). He also conveyed easy tips on choosing stocks, one of which was choosing shares of companies whose products are faithfully used daily: BRISyariah, Matahari, SCTV, and MNC shares. Not only that, other tips are to identify when you have the potential to buy a stock. The techniques that are often used are support, resistance, and trends. There are two types of analysis, namely fundamental analysis, and technical analysis. The fact is that investing in capital stock is CHEAP, and you do not need big funds. The presentation of the two great speakers above was followed by a question and answer session, which ran smoothly. Apart from that, the participants and resource persons were very enthusiastic and enthusiastic when participating in the session because there were so many benefits that could be taken from this webinar

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