Early 2023, FEB Unisma Holds Judiciary for Graduation Candidates for the 69th Period Graduates

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)  Universitas Islam Malang held a Graduation Judiciary on Monday, January 16, 2023, for final program students. The event, held offline at the Unisma Postgraduate Building Floor 7, was attended by 208 final program students who had been officially declared graduates as management graduates, accounting graduates, and Islamic banking graduates through the Chancellor's Decree of the Islamic University of Malang from September to December 2022. A total of 120 participants from the program management studies, 53 participants from the accounting study program, and 35 participants from the Islamic banking study program, according to information provided by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Cooperation Afifudin, S.E., M.SA., Ak. in the reading of the Graduation Judiciary Decree

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas  Islam Malang, Nur Diana, S.E. M.Sc., in his remarks, congratulated students on graduating and being entitled to hold a Bachelor's degree and to be prepared to enter society. "As leaders of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Islamic University of Malang, we congratulate all of you who have been declared graduates based on a decree by the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Malang. Based on this Decree, you are declared entitled to hold a Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Accounting, and Bachelor of Economics. Of course, today is the last moment for you to become a student since being declared and ratified at the graduation ceremony. This is when you have to be happy and have to prepare yourself to get involved in the community to practice the knowledge and skills you have acquired at this university to become FEB Unisma people and ambassadors who are beneficial to society, nation, and state."

Diana expressed her pride for the graduates with good average grades and hoped they would explore their competence in leadership and entrepreneurship when they entered society.

"We are very proud of the achievements of the FEB Unisma graduation participants because of the 208 graduates who have an average GPA. They have met the administrative requirements for conditions if you want to find a job in a company. Of course, we do not know what your passion is like. Do you want to be an employee in a company, or do you want to be an entrepreneur in the current era after the Covid-19 pandemic? Of course, here, you need to understand and read the environment around you. You will compete with various other college graduates with the same or different majors. Since the 8th semester you entered and experienced various processes in FEB Unisma, I think you have been equipped with a lot of knowledge, hard skills, soft skills, and attitude competencies. Of course, you must be willing and able to explore all your competencies to enter the world of society. Of course, with FEB Unisma, which has a mission both as leaders and as entrepreneurs, we hope you can explore your abilities to build the vision and mission of FEB Unisma."

As the leader of FEB UNISMA, Diana also expressed her gratitude for choosing FEB Unisma, which is her favorite faculty, as a place to study and hopes that the various breakthroughs made by FEB Unisma can be aligned with industry needs.

"We, as the leaders of FEB Unisma, would like to thank all of you who chose FEB Unisma as a place to study eight semesters ago. Your choice was driven by your parents, please convey this thanks to your parents or your guardian, or it may be your wish. The Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, if we look at it, is the most favorite faculty. The number of students is large. Of course, this does not make us remain silent. Various breakthroughs, and progress, from time to time, God willing, we will always make it by prioritizing quality, flexibility, and mobility. We hope that the curriculum we always plan for all students can answer the challenges of the industrial world. Your skills and competencies will align with the industrial world's needs. For this reason, during these eight semesters, you have participated in various programs, whether international class programs, student exchanges, workshops, certifications, or fun learning."

Diana also hopes for criticism and input for the future progress of FEB Unisma. She hopes the graduates will become ambassadors for FEB Unisma promotion in the family and community circles.

"We hope that if there is constructive criticism, please convey it to us. However, if things are not good, we accept that criticism so that we always change. You will graduate in 6 months, and hopefully, something new will come to FEB Unisma. That is what we always receive from your seniors who are already alumni. Whether it is a new program, a new laboratory, or maybe there is a breakthrough in supporting facilities that will later support the competencies of prospective graduates. Furthermore, for all this kindness, we hope that you, as an ambassador for FEB Unisma, will be able to convey to the public that you are indeed a graduate to be proud of. Convey this to the community, industry, relatives, and close friends, so that today you graduate in August, bringing your relatives, nephews, and others to study at FEB Unisma."

At the end of her remarks, Diana advised the graduates to maintain the good name of their alma mater and their parents and always be grateful. In addition, Diana also asked for blessings for the smooth running of the FIBAA international accreditation site visit at FEB Unisma.

"We apologize if during the service there were things that were not pleasing, hopefully, what we provide can support you, and if there is anything that is lacking, we apologize. We represent the entire FEB Unisma academic community, whether there may be poor service, whether there may be delays, and so on. This will make our record to improve service even better. Our message is simple, take care of your alma mater, take care of your parents' good name, always be grateful that you are in this position and finally achieve your dreams. This is not the last dream, maybe you still have aspirations to continue your further studies, or you will participate in various programs to improve your quality to become a superior human resource. Everything you do will bear the title of a graduate of FEB Unisma. With a moral movement with an attitude that you show as a graduate with good morals based on the ahlussunnah wal jamaah, we hope that you will truly become a graduate with international competitiveness. Please pray for God's blessing. On February 6, 2023, FEB Unisma will face a FIBAA international accreditation site visit from Germany. With the accreditation that we will achieve, hopefully, your competitiveness will increase to show our quality. FEB Unisma as a superior faculty with international competitiveness."

An award procession also followed the Graduation Judiciary Event held by FEB UNISMA for the best graduates with a GPA of 3.92, namely Khofifah (Sharia Banking), Lucky Ayu Damayanti with a GPA of 3.88 (Accounting), and Nadia Nor Rohma with a GPA of 3.88 (Management).

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