Dean's Pantun in Commemoration of the 41st Dies Natalis FEB UNISMA

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, will commemorate its 41st Anniversary. Unlike the previous year, the 41st Anniversary event involved many alumni to network.

The Dean of FEB UNISMA, in his remarks, said the various achievements that have been achieved and strengthened FEB UNISMA at the age of 41 years as a reputable faculty in the national and international arena.

"We continue to make various efforts to improve educational services further. During this pandemic, his party continues to provide full service by implementing a digital-based educational administration system," said Diana.

Diana further emphasized that the implementation of MBKM has involved various elements of the FEB UNISMA academic community, both those who received grants and independently. This year FEB UNISMA has expanded its collaboration with various parties, including domestic and foreign universities, industry partners, professional associations, and alumni.

"In the past year, we have signed MoA with various partners as many as 178 cooperation activities, both domestically and abroad," said Diana.

"In this 41st Anniversary, we want to strengthen and expand the alumni network. Our various higher education tri dharma activities establish networks and synergies, both between fellow FEB UNISMA alumni and industry partners. For this reason, we ask for your blessing with the support of alumni who are working in the industrial world. Let us, at the age of 41 years, FEB UNISMA launch the SAMEP Program (Student Alumni Experience Program), which is a mentoring program for alumni and students designed to connect alumni mentors (mentors) with current students (mentees) to support their professional development through guidance and coaching" explained Diana.

"Thank you to all parties who contributed to the success of FEB UNISMA in taking steps at the age of 41, including the founders (The Founding Fathers), the Malang Islamic University Foundation, and FEB Alumni, industry partners, online and print media partners who attended today. Offline and online, as well as its support to FEB UNISMA in the Implementation of the MBKM Program and to support the formation of the SAMEP Program, which was launched at the moment of the 41st Anniversary of FEB UNISMA.

At the end of his speech, the energetic Dean of FEB UNISMA gave a rhyme


Pak Ahmad pergi ke alun-alun Majalengka

Naik Bentor bareng Luna Maya

Selamat ulang tahun FEB UNISMA

Semakin maju dan tetap jaya!!


Deni Chandra pergi ke Kanal

Main petak Umpet Bersama Sijaya

Alumni FEB UNISMA Semakin Profesional



Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis penuh pesona

Banyak prestasi dan kerja nyata

Hari ini kami sangat berbahagia

Bapak Ibu hadir bersama

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