Accounting Student Association FEB Unisma Improves HR Competence in Era 4.0 Through Public Speaking Capabilities

The Student Association of the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, held a Public Speaking Training with the theme "Maximize Your Potential In The Development Of Public Speaking" on Tuesday (28/06/22). The event presented the Dean of FEB UNISMA, Nur Diana, SE., MSi. as a keynote speaker, and Mr. Erfan Efendi, M.Pd as a Speaker. In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang, Nur Diana SE, MSi, emphasized the importance of public speaking in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. "The results of McKinsey's research state that the competency needs of undergraduate graduates have begun to increase. Previously, undergraduate graduates could enter low-level jobs that were repetitive in nature, emphasizing hard skills and clerical work. Currently, robot technology, automation, cloud, artificial intelligence, and so on are used at this level of work. Therefore, we as students today must have additional skills or soft skills needed in the 4.0 era, namely public speaking,” said Diana.

Diana further emphasized that public speaking is a communication skill that will interact with communicators with the audience who will later be able to get feedback; we often use public speaking skills in delivering material, MC activities, and leading presentations in meetings; in doing this we have nothing to lose because when we convey, information must be able to influence the people we interact with. Public speaking will increase self-confidence to build a branding image, and communicators must have the ability to convey information in a structured and easy-to-understand manner. Said the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Nur Diana, S.E., M.Si. as the keynote speaker in this Public Speaking Training.

Meanwhile, Erfan Effendi, S.Pd., M.Pd. in training, explained that public speaking is a tool to achieve goals. There are 3 crucial points in Public Speaking: Audience, Speaker, and Idea. The role of the audience is vital in public speaking because the success of a speaker can be seen from the audience's excitement in digesting and accepting the material/message conveyed by the speaker. On the other hand, as public speakers, we must be able to see the audience's state; for example, if the audience is bored, how do we as public speakers lighten up the atmosphere so that the audience will focus on us? Again. Regarding ideas, we must be able to find interesting topics according to the audience's circumstances. The most important thing in looking for ideas is to talk a little but have many benefits, said Mr. Erfan Efendi, M.Pd. as a resource person at the Public Speaker training today.

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