22 Students of FEB UNISMA Ready to Study in Thailand and the Philippines

Entering the Odd semester of the 2022 Academic Year, FEB UNISMA students again managed to qualify for scholarships to study at two overseas campuses and abroad. Twenty students managed to get scholarships at the Faculty of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University Phuket Campus. Two students received one-semester study scholarships at Tarlac Agricultural University. Their success cannot be separated from the consistency of international programs at FEB UNISMA, namely the pioneering International Class Program organized by the International Development Division (IDD) FEB UNISMA. This organizational unit explicitly handles international affairs.

As an appreciation for the acceptance of 22 students, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Islamic University of Malang, Nur Diana SE, MSI, held a release ceremony on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. In her speech, Nur Diana appreciated the passing of 22 FEB UNISMA students in June-July 2022 following a strict selection process from PSU Thailand and TAU Philippines. “We congratulate the success of the students who passed the Student Exchange program at Prince Songkla University and TAU Philippines. This is the fruit of hard work, real implementation, and consistency of FEB UNISMA in improving International Programs. Your success in the Student Exchange program with overseas campuses supports the IKU (Key Performance Indicator) of Higher Education in addition to the real implementation of the Merdeka Learning Program at Merdeka Campus,” said Diana.

Diana further emphasized that many international achievements have been held by students and lecturers supporting IKU's performance, including involvement in international conferences for research results and community service presentations. Even five research teams, students, and lecturers at UNISMA, received awards, three teams became Best Research Papers, and two became Best Presenter Awards for Research Papers at the International Conference EEBIC. "The success of FEB UNISMA's international achievements cannot be separated from the support of international programs such as the international class, which was initiated in 2018. This class was created specifically for students with TOEFL abilities who meet the requirements, and the curriculum is also packaged according to international standards. The language of instruction also uses English. International programs and their outputs are required to participate in international programs with FEB UNISMA partners on overseas campuses, such as student exchange and Internship. Outbound mobility, etc. with campuses abroad," she said

The Dean of FEB UNISMA provides motivation and direction so that students can gain maximum knowledge, experience, and networking. Diana also reminded students always to uphold professionalism and discipline to maintain the individual's good and the institution's good name. Meanwhile, Head of IDD FEB UNISMA. Mr. Erfan Efendi. S.Pd., M.Pd. reported on the progress of several selection phase activities from the involvement of International Class Program FEB UNISMA students in participating in the selection of various international programs such as student exchange to several campuses abroad, outbound mobility program, which is planned to be carried out to several other campuses outside the country, joint conference program, a joint research program with several foreign universities which will be held at FEB UNISMA as the host. "We appreciate the support from the leadership of FEB UNISMA, especially the DEAN of FEB UNISMA, who always encourages us to provide innovative programs in the development of international programs," said Erfan.

"The appreciation given by him is not only in the form of words, but he also provides concrete evidence and promises to be ready to support both morally and financially for outstanding students to study directly (Offline) abroad with various forms of programs such as internships, transfers credit, community service, joint research, and various other international activities. The Internationalization Program cannot only be done by increasing the number of speeches, but also by increasing the number of actions".

It is proven that FEB UNISMA has sent hundreds of students to participate in various international programs. That is proof FEB Unisma multiply action. This discharge program was also attended by all vice deans, department heads, department secretaries, IDD leaders, and all students studying in Thailand and the Philippines. The event was solemn and lively. Students are also determined to give their best in this program. They are even determined to study offline in several countries to gain more knowledge and experience. The synergy between faculty leaders, lecturers, staff, and students in implementing the internationalization program has led FEB UNISMA to become a faculty that excels in international activities.

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