Lutfi Amalia Masfiro's Thanksgiving as the Best Graduate of Management Study Program FEB UNISMA

As many as 486 FEB Unisma students in Management, Accounting, and Sharia Banking study programs are ready to be released by the Dean of FEB Unisma to become prospective graduates and graduates. This release event will be held on Friday, October 28, 2022, at the Gus Dur Hall of the Unisma Postgraduate Building, 7th floor. The students who will be released consist of 286 students from the management study program, 153 students from the accounting study program, and 29 students from the sharia banking study program. The best graduate of the management study program with a GPA of 4.00, namely Lutfi Amalia Masfiro, expressed his gratitude to Allah SWT and thanked FEB Unisma. The technological approach used by FEB Unisma gave an impression to Lutfi during lectures "Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, praise, and gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of His blessings, mercy, and guidance, as well as sholawat and greetings, do not forget to pour out to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. I thank the entire academic community of the  University of  Islam Malang, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNISMA, as well as my parents, extended family, and also my friends who have supported and prayed for me until now.

Faculty of Economics and Business UNISMA  is a faculty that can guide its students to always be in tandem with technology, which later can also be used by students as a provision to face the real outside world. Hopefully, the Faculty of Economics and Business Unisma will always be a comfortable home for its students to excel and develop.”

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