Kharisma Mahdiyatul Haqiqi's Long Struggle to Become the Best Graduate

Kharisma is one of the best graduates of the management study program of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the Islamic University of Malang (UNISMA). Being the best graduate, Kharisma did not forget to thank his parents and the entire academic community of the Islamic University of Malang (UNISMA).

"On this occasion, I would like to express my praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, who has provided protection and blessings, and success in completing the Management study program. Thanks to Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si. as Chancellor of the Islamic University of Malang, Ms. Nur Diana, Se., M.Si. as Dean of FEB Islamic University of Malang, Mr. Budi Wahono, SE., MM as Head of Management Department, FEB Islamic University of Malang and all staff. Besides that, I don't forget to thank my parents, who always pray to achieve success up to this point."

Kharisma's struggle to get the best graduates began with entering a boarding school on the Ainul Yaqin campus, which made it a new challenge.

"At the beginning of college and Islamic boarding school, I was quite depressed because it was out of my proper comfort zone previously; I was in elementary, junior high, and high school. I still lived at home and was under the supervision of my parents, but I thought that it was not a scary thing. But instead makes it a challenge whether my steps will be to become a failed student or become a student who excels and is competent to illuminate my path in the future."

Kharisma also did not forget to give a message to his friends who are still in college to keep trying new things.

"My message to prospective graduates of FEB UNISMA is to achieve maximum results and become the best graduates; what needs to be prepared is to be consistent in learning and seriously follow all learning processes and activities carried out at the faculty. The knowledge and skills that will be gained during the lecture period and the accumulation of experience will be the forerunner to the journey of life ahead as a scholar," she added.

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